, hobbies, but also children and their characteristics – all this can be found in Astrology, specifically in our 5th house of the horoscope. If it is much occupied by planets, our fun can be more varied. This house can answer our questions about how we can dazzle ourselves and others. Or how our children can dazzle us. Fun and children, after all, are joy, and that is what the 5th house symbolizes in our horoscope. What we do with joy recharges us, and so we can find our imaginary batteries in this house. And when we find them, we just need to light them up.
As you might guess, the 5th house is associated with the sign of Leo. How do fun and Leo go together? What do you think… Leo is a charismatic sign that loves pomp and luxury. Those who have the Sun in Leo exhibit natural charisma and can charm others. Leo as a sign requires play, nothing serious, only fun. And that\’s what he excels at. The popularity of Leo accompanies him at every turn. I may surprise some with the information that, like Scorpio, Leo has a certain erotic charge – but only for fun, not as a means of control and manipulation.
The Sun is an important planet in the horoscope. The sign in which the Sun is located is characteristic of us. All tabloids that contain anything astrological are based on the assumption of what sign the Sun is in. One who declares of himself – “I am a Leo”, is probably only saying that he has the Sun in Leo and was probably born sometime in July or August. The Sun in the horoscope tells us where we can “dazzle” others. If one has Leo and the Sun in the 5th house, one can “dazzle” others, for example, through one\’s children or through one\’s leisure activities.
Entertainment can be of many kinds. Even ones that most people don\’t find fun. This is due to planets that are heavy, such as Pluto or Saturn, who sees fun in the 5th house or in Leo as a duty to others. Well, Pluto in particular would like to rule fun. Power – because of its interest. People born in the 50s, when Pluto was really transiting in Leo, loved to rule because of their interest, their hobby. And a few Astrologers in their day made it not just an interest group, but their own clan, where they drunk their own power over people who trusted them implicitly. But we will discuss power in Astrology in another article. And you will have something to look forward to.