Finally a vacation

Vacations are an important part of the family and include the usual stresses as well as plans and dreams. Now you go on vacation with someone other than you and your partner. Baby. It may seem like you\’re just packing more clothes, but as the vacation approaches, you realize it\’s not that easy. But don\’t worry. If there are any problems, they will have already been dealt with at home.
There are three key things to prepare for.
– Hunger and thirst
– Boredom
– Fatigue
rodiče s chlapečkem u moře
At the airport
Already checked in, you merrily enter the duty-free zone in your Hawaiian shirt and straw hat. This is where the first problem arises. Thirst. As written in the airport security rules, you are only allowed to carry a maximum of 100 ml of liquid in a clear bag that fits into a resealable container. However, babies will usually drink more tea in a few hours. Unfortunately, it is also not possible to buy baby water at the airport.

These three points will surely come to mind on the plane. But if you think that the younger your baby is, the worse it is, it is quite the opposite. The earlier you start flying with your child, the more acclimated he or she will be and the more tolerable the trip will be. Babies are considered “toddlers. They have no right to pack their own suitcases on the plane and are not allowed a seat or baby food. The stewardess will boil water for you, and you can pour the boiled water over your milk or pour tea for your baby to drink at the end of the flight. However, it takes about three-quarters of an hour for the water to cool down to the right temperature for the baby. It seems like a tremendous amount of time for every mother, but it is time for the little one to eat, drink, and lean back to look out the window.

Tips and Tricks for Your First Flight
1. Your baby may cry during takeoff as she experiences emotions she has never experienced before. At that time, you may want to breastfeed, give him a drink, or give him a pacifier. The sucking reflex can help relieve pressure on the ears.
2. Coordinate with the stewardess when to boil water.
3. Another prop is a stroller. Placing a child in a stroller frees up both hands during checkpoints and while waiting to board the plane. However, it is not possible to board an airplane with a baby stroller. The stroller is carried to the baggage claim before boarding and taken back to the aircraft upon disembarkation.
4. Potato chips, biscuits, snacks, and more potato chips. If you think you don\’t have enough, pack more. This is one of the most important things: it is the most important thing.
5. Toys, pets, and picture books help keep kids entertained and time on the plane flies by. Buy one new toy and show it to them on the plane, they will enjoy discovering new colors and sounds. Toys should be quiet. Don\’t disturb others.
6. Have clothes for your little one on board. Even if they have memories, sitting in the drizzle or wet for several hours is not comfortable.
máma s kloboukem

Are you ready? Just look forward to new experiences, new discoveries, and the feeling of a small child taking his or her first dip in the ocean or finding a shell for the first time.

Finally a vacation

Vacations are an important part of the family and include the usual stresses as well as plans and dreams. Now you go on vacation with someone other than you and your partner. Baby. It may seem like you\’re just packing more clothes, but as the vacation approaches, you realize it\’s not that easy. But don\’t worry. If there are any problems, they will have already been dealt with at home.
There are three key things to prepare for.
– Hunger and thirst
– Boredom
– Fatigue
rodiče s chlapečkem u moře
At the airport
Already checked in, you merrily enter the duty-free zone in your Hawaiian shirt and straw hat. This is where the first problem arises. Thirst. As written in the airport security rules, you are only allowed to carry a maximum of 100 ml of liquid in a clear bag that fits into a resealable container. However, babies will usually drink more tea in a few hours. Unfortunately, it is also not possible to buy baby water at the airport.

These three points will surely come to mind on the plane. But if you think that the younger your baby is, the worse it is, it is quite the opposite. The earlier you start flying with your child, the more acclimated he or she will be and the more tolerable the trip will be. Babies are considered “toddlers. They have no right to pack their own suitcases on the plane and are not allowed a seat or baby food. The stewardess will boil water for you, and you can pour the boiled water over your milk or pour tea for your baby to drink at the end of the flight. However, it takes about three-quarters of an hour for the water to cool down to the right temperature for the baby. It seems like a tremendous amount of time for every mother, but it is time for the little one to eat, drink, and lean back to look out the window.

Tips and Tricks for Your First Flight
1. Your baby may cry during takeoff as she experiences emotions she has never experienced before. At that time, you may want to breastfeed, give him a drink, or give him a pacifier. The sucking reflex can help relieve pressure on the ears.
2. Coordinate with the stewardess when to boil water.
3. Another prop is a stroller. Placing a child in a stroller frees up both hands during checkpoints and while waiting to board the plane. However, it is not possible to board an airplane with a baby stroller. The stroller is carried to the baggage claim before boarding and taken back to the aircraft upon disembarkation.
4. Potato chips, biscuits, snacks, and more potato chips. If you think you don\’t have enough, pack more. This is one of the most important things: it is the most important thing.
5. Toys, pets, and picture books help keep kids entertained and time on the plane flies by. Buy one new toy and show it to them on the plane, they will enjoy discovering new colors and sounds. Toys should be quiet. Don\’t disturb others.
6. Have clothes for your little one on board. Even if they have memories, sitting in the drizzle or wet for several hours is not comfortable.
máma s kloboukem

Are you ready? Just look forward to new experiences, new discoveries, and the feeling of a small child taking his or her first dip in the ocean or finding a shell for the first time.