Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: a paraphrase of old American

the successful film Eight Terrible Ones, the director of cult films embarked on the equally successful film That Time in Hollywood. Released in the summer of 2019, the film is almost three hours long and features several Hollywood stars, including Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dakota Fanning and Al Pacino. It refers to many other films, both old Hollywood ones and more recent ones by this director.

once upon a time

That Time in Hollywood is actually a kind of comedy about film culture, so there are references to various films in this film, and it\’s actually a kind of paraphrase of filmmaking in general. If you\’re knowledgeable enough, you\’ll also notice references to other artifacts of American culture from the 1960s to 1970s, like Charles Manson and his Family cult. As in Tarantino\’s film Shameless Pancharts, this is an alternate history – Tarantino has taken an event from history and remade it in his own image.

If you want to look for some excessive action, brutality and other epic elements inherent in this film, you will probably be disappointed – there are only a few such scenes in this film, it concentrates more on the narrative component, and some proper action and duel takes place practically only at the end.

Quentin Tarantino

If you know this director well, you probably haven\’t missed his special relationship with his feet – yes, you read that right. Quentin has made no secret of the fact that he is simply addicted to his feet, and so many of his films are full of shots of this part of the body. That time in Hollywood is no exception. You can count the number of times someone\’s feet appear in a film.

This film doesn\’t deal with any particularly serious themes, it\’s more about letting loose and having fun, but don\’t expect any shallow and superficial entertainment – Tarantino has hidden paraphrases of several of his own and old Hollywood films in this film, so if you watch this film with due attention and knowledge, you\’ll surely discover at least most of them.